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Yarrow- Ornamental Yarrow

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Lot Location: 6.7

Yarrow is one of the easiest perennials to grow and is a good choice for beginners. All it needs is full sun and well-drained soil. These plants are an excellent balance of finely textured foliage and bright flower colors. The wide, flat flower clusters are popular landing pads with pollinators.

Height: 28.0-32.0"

Spread: 36.0-42.0"

Sunlight: Full Sun


Sassy Summer Lemon Yarrow:

You'll love this collection of Yarrow due to each member's taller, more substantial presence than other Achillea on the market. Although they have a taller height, all members have sturdy flower stems that will look great throughout the season of its bloom. With a range of beautiful colors, such as yellow, red, pink, and orange, you'll definitely find something that fits your needs.

Not only will you love the huge flower heads of bright, sunny yellow blooms, but you'll be equally delighted by its early bloom time-this is the first of the collection to bloom.

Strawberry Seduction Yarrow:

Aptly named, this selection produces large clusters of luscious strawberry red flowers with a gold center, just like the seeds on a real strawberry.  A uniform blossom height results in the flowers being produced in a domed canopy atop a full, sturdy, upright clump of grey-green foliage. 

Members of the Seduction Series have strong, branched stems with shorter internodes, and a compact habit.  Unlike older cultivars with a weaker, open habit, ‘Strawberry Seduction’ has a very robust yet compact habit.  It is beautiful in the landscape. 

One unique characteristic about this plant is that after the red flowers are finished, when left to dry on the stems they turn a lovely shade of buff yellow.  The plant literally looks like it is continuing to bloom yellow, extending its interest in the landscape much longer than other varieties.